Thursday, February 3, 2011

30 Day Blog Challenge. Day 2

Day 2: Where I live?
Well, it said to include a picture of the town I live in….. and well, ya’ll I don’t have one, so I’ll just tell you about it.
I live in a very small town in Mississippi.  It has one main street and no traffic lights only 4-way stops. We have one grocery store, and no, it’s not called Wal-Mart. We have 2 banks and one post office. In our town, we get excited over the little things on life. Like the fact that we will be getting a McDonald’s very soon. We already have a KFC/Taco Bell and Subway. Oh and how could I forget Bumper’s? They were here before the rest of them.  We’re the kind of town where everything pretty much shuts down on Saturday at noon and doesn’t open back up until Monday morning. After church on Sunday’s, you go down to the local gas station and grab a plate lunch before going on home for a Sunday nap.  Some people wonder how we make it? Well, you just learn to drive the extra 30 minutes to get what you need. No shopping malls. No big designer store. Just the basics is all we have, and that’s all we need.  We aren’t a tourist town. Ha! If you blink one good time, you’ll miss it! What most people would consider “fun”? It would either be watching the helicopter land at the hospital, or trying find out where the police/ambulance are going. Maybe even ride a few dirt roads. (Yes, we still have them.) We have lots of farmers.  My favorite part of my hometown would have to be the way that the community supports our football teams. On Homecoming Friday every year, each business takes the time out of their day to step out onto the sidewalk and watch the football team ride the fire truck, the homecoming maids show off their pretty dresses, and the high school classes show their hard work by riding the different themed floats. I love my close knit community.  I’ll end with a few pictures of the homecoming parade of my senior year. You can get small glimpses of the community through them.
Homecoming 2009
Homecoming 2009
Homecoming 2009

"I said I'm from the front pew of a wooden white church
The courthouse clock that still don't work
Where a man's word means everything
Where moms and dads were high school flames
Gave their children grandmothers maiden name
Yes it may not sound like much
But its where I'm from."

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