Wednesday, February 23, 2011

30 Day Blog Challenge. Day 14.

Thank ya’ll sooo much for the feedback! My favorite was purse #2, too! I just have to give myself options! :) I found it on this website,, but they also sell these purses at Dillard’s, so I am going to try to find it there!
Anyway, on to 30 Day Blog Challenge, Day 14: Your Wish List!
This could go on and on and on! HA!
The one thing that tops my list is a Black 2011 Chevrolet Tahoe.  I want one so bad I can taste it. I have to wait a few more years until I can upgrade though because my car is paid for, and we are about to have 2 more drivers in the house! 

Next would be these cowboy boots. I have a pair of boots, and I was satisfied when I got them, but I have always secretly wanted these. I just haven’t found them in my size yet!

I want a black pair of glittery Toms. I am a new Tom wearer, but I LOVE them!! 

And I of course want this purse, but I haven’t been to Dillard’s to see if they have it yet! :)

I hope your week has been great! Mine is about to get very busy. I will be traveling with the choir tomorrow and Friday for Mass Choir Festival. I am excited about it, but I have been to these things before, and they tend to get veeerrryyyy boring! Oh well, it’ll be over soon! Hope the end to your week is great!! :)

1 comment:

  1. I have a pair of boots that look just like that and I got them at Boots and More in Jackson...across from the Coliseum. :)

