Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Meet My Family

Graduation 2010

 I had this whole post written out that included more random facts about me, but I decided that those could wait. My family is what comes next.  So, let me introduce them to you.
Prom 2010

My Mom. She is one of my best friends. I love spending time with her. She is the rock that holds our family together. I would never be here if it wasn’t for her (literally), but really. She is one of the most important ladies in my life! 
Prom 2010

My Deddy. We are so much alike that it is NOT even funny. We disagree a lot because we are so much alike, and we are both VERY hard-headed . I learn from the best. (just kidding, Dad!) we spend time piddling around his shop. He loves showing me things that he thinks I must know. Like how to change a tire for instance. That’s what he’s for! :)
**Christmas 2010

My sister. Anna and I haven’t always been that close. We are more known for our fighting than actually getting along. She is my sister though, and at the end of the day, I still love her. Now that I live at school, our relationship has gotten so much better. We don’t fight as much. She is becoming my best friend. She loves children as much as I do.  She isn’t into the sports scene. She’s more for staying home and watching movies or reading.
February 2010

My brother. Steven and I have always been the closest. The days of me beating him up are LONG gone. He is WAY taller than me and can beat me up in a second. He’d never do it though! :) he loves football and baseball. He’s just a typical all around boy!
**Christmas 2010

Well, that sums up my family! I would never ever be who I am today without these people. They have supported me in every decision I have ever made and not once doubted me.. I love each of them so very much. 
**The Christmas 2010 pictures were taken by one of my amazingly talented best friends Julianna!

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