Sunday, July 24, 2011

Changes and the beach

There are about to be some changes in my day to day routine because I have a new job, and I am very excited about it! I am now going to working at Citizen’s National Bank as a part time teller. I’ll work through school! I can’t wait to start.
Ok, so that was the change because instead of sleeping late and doing whatever I want to, I now have a job to get up and go to! Hello routine! I can’t wait to have one again!!

Last weekend, I was at the beach!! Yeah, don’t go getting all jealous because it rained the WHOLE time we were there! Ok, almost. It was sunny and breezy Monday! I went to the beach with my neighbor and her girls! Julianna is their normal babysitter, but she had just gotten back from the beach and was trying to finish school, so I went with them! I went along to help because traveling with a seven year old and a three month old is kinda hard! HA! Anyway, we had a great time! Tracy’s cousin was getting married on Monday, so we went a few days early to spend on the beach, but that didn’t really happen. We ended up going shopping on Saturday, and we visited with her family on Sunday! 
The only pretty day-Monday!

Monday was the wedding day. We did spend the morning on the beach though, and it was so fun! I am so used to just going to lay out and read my book that I forget what it’s like to be a child going to the beach! The waves are so much fun to them. We jumped lots of waves and boogie boarded a lot too! I had fun reliving my child hood! We spent the rest of the day at the pool because they had to get the beach ready for the wedding.
Wedding Time

Ya’ll know I’m a sucker for a good wedding, but being at the beach makes it even better. I want to get married at the beach! I always have. Anyway, the ceremony was so sweet, and everything was so nice! 
Sarah Grace was NOT happy with us.
Sweet Girls and their Mama

Tuesday, we had to pack up and go home! AND to top it all off, it was BEAUTIFUL outside! That makes it SO much harder to leave. We left about 9 which was only an hour after our intended time, and we got home around 3. We only stopped twice! With little ones that is a miracle! Here are some pictures from the weekend!
Horrible of me. Loaded down and Mississippi Bound!
I think this little monkey is going to be rolling over VERY soon!
Before bath time.

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